Partners of the FSFL

Innovation can only work in partnerships between funding agencies, innovators, users and industry. In the case of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory the following organisations have worked together and are still for the ongoing development of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory.

Funding partners

Humanitarian Innovation Fund

The Humanitarian Innovation Fund has funded both the original laboratory development project, the Microbial Sludge Quality project and the follow up dissemination project, the FAST project. From the start on the Humanitarian Innovation Fund was highly interested in the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory and supported the innovation. This cooperation has helped the ongoing development and incorporation of lessons learned of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory.

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation taken a keen interest in the developments around the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation has directly supported the FAST project by supplying the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory used in the project and through its backstopping mandet with Eawag funded the development of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory version 2020.

Swedish Red Cross

Implementing partners

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

In 2015 the IFRC has actually initiated the development of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory and since than strongly pushed for the inclusion of laboratory capacities to any deployment of a faecal sludge treatment plant. The IFRC was also the first humanitarian aid organisation to deploy any Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory to an humanitarian aid operation.
Within IFRC William Carter (emergency response WASH officer in Geneva ) and Ludovic Arnout (WASH Advisor, IFRC Asia-Pacific Zone) are the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratories focal points.

Currently involved partners

Austrian Red Cross

The Austrian Red Cross was founded 1880 and is part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The WASH Service Center of the department of International Development Cooperation focuses on supporting Austrian Red Cross WASH projects and its WASH emergency response operations. In the IFRC WASH emergency response the Austrian Red Cross fields all three Emergency Response Units. In the WASH Service Centre the following people focused on the development of the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory.

Eawag – Sandec

The Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development at Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology focuses on the development and testing methods and technologies that help the worlds’ poorest access sustainable water and sanitation services. At the working group for Strategic Environmental Sanitation Planning the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratories focal points are

Butyl Products Ltd

While the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory is an open-source development, however the inclusion of an industrial partner into the project consortia ensures the availability of a commercial version of the laboratory and should ensure easier access for users without dedicated procurement departments.
Butyl Products Ltd. has been a long time supplier of humanitarian aid equipment to many organisations of the WASH community. Due to their connections to the world of humanitarian aid Butyl Products Ltd is an ideal partner for the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory. Adam Hayes, senior engineer, has been the focal point for the Faecal Sludge Field Laboratory at Butyl Products.

Quared Solutions

Quared Solutions helps startups, businesses, enterprises to excel in developing their agile, value-based, team and innovation mindset since 2013.
Together with our customers we dive deeply in Agility, DevOps/SRE, Cloud tech, Internet of Things, provide custom solutions and facilitate them skilling up.
Quared Solutions proudly supports the development of the FSFL IMS with custom software solutions and Kubernetes/Docker know-how.

Previously involved partners

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna was founded in 1872 with a focus on agri- and horticulture. In the present the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna diversified into all areas of life science with a focus on resource management and sustainability. The Institute of Environmental Biotechnology focuses on the use of microbiological processes for the safeguard the quality of life and preserve natural resources. 
The working group for water and wastewater treatment of Werner Fuchs lead the original laboratory development project


WASTE is a Dutch based organisation focused on waste management. Jan Spit has extensive experience in waste and wastewater/faecal sludge management in the development cooperation context.